It has been said that knowing our weaknesses can be our greatest strength. This knowledge means we can not only attempt to avoid their negative impact but also endeavour to improve on them. However, reflecting critically on our own performance in any area of life is difficult. Solidified in habit and shrouded by our daily routines, we can become blind to our flaws or inabilities.
But, unless we open our eyes to our weaknesses, whatever they may be, we are undoubtedly holding ourselves back. This is particularly true when it comes to the professional world, where even the most knowledgeable member of the team will never reach full capability if they have an essential skill gap, such as the ability to communicate effectively.
So, to help you on your way with the difficult task of self-evaluation, we have developed our quick skill gap questionnaire. By answering each question as honestly as possible, you can begin to understand your weaknesses in the workplace and identify what may be holding you back from fulfilling your true potential.
So, now you know your weakness, what next?
An awareness of our weakness will only get us so far and eventually, if we want to progress in our career, we must invest in the necessary self-improvement. For many, the most effective and efficient way to do this is to take one or more of our interactive eLearning courses. Allowing you to gain and develop skills conveniently and affordably, our online courses are the perfect option for those busy professionals looking to take their career to the next level.